Peru Outsourcing for Software Development Report

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Peru Outsourcing for Software Development Report

Peru is a top-tier software outsourcing destination with a booming tech scene. In fact, Peruvian developers are ranked as some of the most skilled and educated in Latin America.

Let’s take an insider’s look at the software outsourcing industry in Peru and how world-class developers here can transform IT teams for the better. We are sure that after reading this report, you'll be ready to hire software developers in Peru!


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Peru at a Glance

  • Capital: Lima
  • Currency: Sol (S/)
  • Time zone: GMT-5
  • Population: 32.9 million
  • Software developers: 38,000+
  • Software development companies: 86 startups
  • Official language: Spanish
  • Democracy index: 6.09/10
  • Business climate: A4
  • Ease of doing business: 76/190

Peru’s IT industry was set to grow a whopping 9% in 2021 – one of the highest in Latin America. This up-and-coming software outsourcing destination has plenty to offer, including a healthy talent pool of 38,000+ developers and an innovative startup scene that’s led to more than US$160 million in recent deals. Overall, Peru is an excellent choice for building outsourcing relationships with the U.S. and beyond.

The IT Ecosystem in Peru

Peru’s tech ecosystem is rapidly expanding, showing its great potential for the future. Its strong IT scene is built on new tech infrastructure, innovative startups and significant software-related economic growth. 

Robust Tech Infrastructure

Peru has some exciting tech initiatives both from the government and the private sector. Here are some of the top IT programs driving this country’s success:

  • Science and Technology Parks (STPs): The Peruvian government is currently planning a network of 11 STPs across the country to foster Peru technology development.
  • ProInnóvate: Run by the Ministry of Innovation, this initiative attempts to boost software development companies and the overall Peru technology ecosystem. To date, they’ve supported 295 software projects.
  • Startup Peru: This government-sponsored program supports Peruvian startups through a variety of investment programs.
  • UTEC Ventures: This accelerator is behind the creation of UTECs for tech-focused higher education in Peru. It now has 63 companies under its wings, with a total of $17M in alumni funding.
  • MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (REAP): A two-year program from MIT to strengthen local businesses and the Peru technology ecosystem.

Innovative Startup Scene & Community

Innovative Startup Scene & Community

(Source: The World Bank – TCdata360)

At 22%, Peru has one of the highest early entrepreneurship rates in Latin America. While it doesn’t yet have a unicorn company, this country is known for its thriving startup culture. In fact, Bloomberg predicts that two new Peruvian companies (Crehana and Favo) are good candidates for becoming LATAM’s 50th unicorn. Other top startups in Peru include Joinnus,, and more. 

In addition, Peruvian developers are highly active in their communities, participating in different hackathons and Innovate challenges (such as the Hackathon Vacúnate Perú) and local groups (such as GDG Lima). 

Strong IT Growth

Strong IT Growth

(Source: Statista)

While the government hasn’t published exact Peru IT outsourcing numbers, the Oxford Business Group estimates that Peru was set to show 9% IT growth in 2021 – second only to Argentina and Mexico. 

What’s more, Peru attracts foreign software development companies. Due to great talent here, some tech giants have opened offices in Lima, including: 

  • IBM
  • Tata Consulting Services
  • Globant
  • SAP
  • NTT Data
  • Microsoft
  • Cisco Systems
  • Amazon

Looking for first-rate developers from Peru? Reach out to TECLA to connect with the best nearshore Peruvian software engineers. 

The Peruvian Software Developer Profile

Peru has some of the most talented developers in Latin America. Currently they rank #1 in engineering tertiary degrees and have six skillsets ranked “cutting-edge” by Coursera. Here’s what to expect from the typical Peruvian software developer. 

Highly Educated Developer Pool

(Source: The World Bank – TCdata360)

Peru only recently began tracking STEM tertiary degrees, but the initial numbers are quite promising. According to 2020 statistics, Peru had the highest rate of engineering tertiary degrees in Latin America at 29.6%. 

This is no surprise considering Peru’s extensive network of UTEC (University of Technology and Engineering) campuses, which are considered some of the finest in Latin America and cost $100 million to build. 

This country also has high-ranked universities, with one institution listed in the top 30 for LATAM. In particular, the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and the University of the Pacific have been cited as award-winning institutions for tech.

Finally, though it doesn’t have huge developer numbers like Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, Peru offers a nicely sized talent pool of 38,000+ IT workers. 

World-Class Tech Talent

(Source: Coursera)

Peruvian developers have top-notch developer skills in diverse IT areas. According to Coursera’s developer skills tests, Peru ranks “cutting-edge” in the following skills:

  • databases (99%)
  • data analysis (95%)
  • operating systems (93%)
  • statistical programming (92%)
  • cloud computing (90%)
  • mobile development (85%)

Finally, Peruvian developers boast of a range of programming languages, including PHP, ASP.NET, Java, Lua, Python, CSS, Perl and HTML. This variety is essential for building Peru outsourcing partnerships and meeting companies’ diverse needs.

Hand-pick the ideal software development team with IT professionals from Peru. Get matched with our talented developers on TECLA today. 

Why Peru-U.S. Collaboration

Peru is a superb software outsourcing destination. Developers here have excellent programming skills and U.S. workplace know-how in order to maximize software projects. Here’s what Peruvian programmers bring to the table for tech companies.

Overlapping Time Zones

Located in GMT-5 (the same as EST), Peru has ideal time zone coverage with U.S. companies. Unlike Eastern Europe and Asia, Peruvian programmers can get up to 8 hours of overlap with U.S. partners, which is great for seamless collaboration. 

Cultural Proximity

Peru has strong compatibility with U.S. workplace culture, as well as a track record of successful partnerships. In addition, this country often ranks high on Gartner’s key outsourcing locations worldwide, which shows its cultural compatibility. 

In short, Peruvian developers have experience working with global outsourcing companies and can meet high standards for work quality, deadlines and communication styles. 

Ideal for Agile Development

Peruvian developers are well-versed in the agile method and can achieve top collaboration through this country’s matching time zones, world-class developer skills and U.S. workplace know-how. Developers in Peru know how to successfully collaborate and get best-in-class project outcomes. 

The Cost-Effective Rates of Peru Developers

Peruvian software developers aren’t just talented – they also offer cost-effective rates. Compared to top software developers in the U.S. and Europe, Peru outsourcing rates are significantly more affordable.

Salary Range Based on Popular Technologies

Of course, the exact salary cost varies according to the developer’s skillset, years of experience and specialization. To get a sense of rates according to popular technologies, check out this table below.

Technologies Average Salary for Equivalent (Top-Rated) U.S. Talent Rates of Top Developers from Peru on TECLA platform
Python $175,000 - $195,000 $65,000 - $96,000
JavaScript $165,000 - $185,000 $60,000 - $94,000
Node.js $165,000 - $185,000 $68,000 - $96,000
Ruby $175,000 - $200,000 $75,000 - $108,000
PHP $135,000 - $145,000 $56,000 - $84,000
Java $152,000 - $175,000 $70,000 - $94,000
iOS $150,000 - $182,000 $72,000 - $92,000
Android $150,000 - $185,000 $67,000 - $84,000

Summary of Peru Software Outsourcing Benefits 

The IT Ecosystem Software Developer Profile Peru-U.S. Collaboration Cost of Hiring Peruvian Devs
- Robust tech infrastructure
- Innovative startup scene & community
- Strong IT growth
- Highly educated developer pool
- World-class tech talent
- Overlapping time zones
- Cultural proximity
- Ideal for agile development
- Cost-effective developer salaries

As Peru technology development accelerates, this country will see even more powerful software outsourcing. Overall, Peru offers highly talented and educated developers, an innovative startup culture and top-of-the-line agile project results. 

If you’re seeking world-class developer talent, you can’t go wrong with Peruvian programmers. Take advantage of our vetted talent pool of LATAM developers to build an engineering team that gets above-and-beyond results.

Nadia Hlebowitsh
Nadia Hlebowitsh
Nadia Hlebowitsh
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