{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is nearshoring to Latin America?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Nearshoring happens when a U.S. development company outsources tasks or hires remote workers from geographically closer regions. When we talk about Latin America, it means that companies are recruiting remote talent from countries in this area. This approach offers various advantages, like matching time zones, shared cultural elements, and gaining access to a diverse pool of technical skills that might be scarce domestically." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why should you hire remote developers?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Hiring remote developers allows you to reach into a global talent pool. It's an effective strategy for U.S. companies when certain technical skills are hard to find locally. Besides cost savings and increasing workforce diversity, it also gives businesses the flexibility to scale operations in line with short-term needs or long-term growth plans." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the pros and cons of hiring remote developers?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "On the positive side, hiring remote developers grants you access to a wider talent pool, promotes cost-efficiency, adds diversity, and boosts flexibility. However, it's not without challenges. There can be potential communication issues arising from cultural differences. Therefore, placing a premium on strong communication skills when hiring could be beneficial. To manage remote teams effectively, a robust system and proper processes need to be in place to ensure productivity, regardless of where the team members are based." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How to hire a remote developer from Latin America?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Companies can hire remote developers from Latin America through various means, including job boards, professional networks, or talent acquisition firms like TECLA. When hiring via TECLA, you can rest assured that our flexible hiring models will adapt to your needs while you save substantial costs and accelerate your time-to-hire by 5x compared to traditional means." } } ] }

Why Companies Should Hire Remote Software Developers from Latin America (and How)

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Why Companies Should Hire Remote Software Developers from Latin America (and How)

The global tech industry is experiencing a significant shift. With the rise of remote work, companies are no longer limited to hiring within their geographical boundaries. They can now access a global talent pool, and Latin America has emerged as a top destination for remote software developers. 

This article will explore why companies should hire remote software developers from Latin America and provide a step-by-step guide on how to do it effectively.

What's Inside:

The Rise of Remote Work and Latin America's Tech Talent

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work, making it a new norm in the tech industry. Companies had to adapt quickly, and many found that remote work offered unexpected benefits. It allowed for greater flexibility, reduced overhead costs, and access to a wider talent pool.

At the same time, Latin America has been growing its tech talent pool. According to Statista, as of 2022, there were approximately 500,000 software developers involved in nearshore development in Brazil. Mexico had around 225,000 software developers, while Argentina totaled over 100,000. Of course, the number is expected to rise. 

The region's proximity to the U.S., similar time zones, and cultural affinity make it an attractive nearshoring destination.

The Benefits of Hiring Remote Developers from Latin America

Hiring remote developers from Latin America offers several benefits. These include cost savings, access to a large and diverse talent pool, and the ability to work in similar time zones.

Companies should hire remote software developers from LATAM because of their top talent pool, cost savings opportunities and similar time zones.

Cost Savings

Cost savings come from lower salaries and reduced overhead costs. With remote work, companies can save on office space, utilities, and other expenses associated with maintaining a physical office. Additionally, the cost of living in Latin America is generally lower than in the U.S., which means salaries are often lower as well, even for highly skilled workers. You can expect a 30% to 50% hiring costs reduction when you welcome to your team a remote developer from LatAm

Access to Talent

Access to a large and diverse talent pool is another major benefit. Latin America has a large number of highly skilled software developers, many of whom are fluent in English and familiar with U.S. business practices. This makes them a great fit for U.S. companies looking to expand their teams.

Time Zone Alignment

Finally, the similar time zones make communication and collaboration easier. This is a significant advantage over other popular remote hiring destinations like India or the Philippines, where time differences can pose challenges and delay collaboration.

How to Hire a Remote Developer from Latin America with TECLA

When it comes to hiring remote developers from Latin America, TECLA is a trusted partner. TECLA connects companies with top remote professionals from Latin America, offering a streamlined and efficient hiring process.

Our services include direct recruiting, staff augmentation, and training, ensuring that companies can find and hire the best talent quickly and efficiently. We also provide support for managing and retaining remote teams, helping companies build a successful remote working model.

Nearshoring to Latin America: Final Thoughts

In the face of a global tech talent shortage, companies need to think outside the box. Hiring remote software developers from Latin America is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits. It's not just about filling vacancies; it's about accessing a diverse talent pool that can drive innovation and growth.


What is nearshoring to Latin America?
Nearshoring happens when a U.S. development company outsources tasks or hires remote workers from geographically closer regions. When we talk about Latin America, it means that companies are recruiting remote talent from countries in this area. This approach offers various advantages, like matching time zones, shared cultural elements, and gaining access to a diverse pool of technical skills that might be scarce domestically.
Why should you hire remote developers?
Hiring remote developers allows you to reach into a global talent pool. It's an effective strategy for U.S. companies when certain technical skills are hard to find locally. Besides cost savings and increasing workforce diversity, it also gives businesses the flexibility to scale operations in line with short-term needs or long-term growth plans.
What are the pros and cons of hiring remote developers?
On the positive side, hiring remote developers grants you access to a wider talent pool, promotes cost-efficiency, adds diversity, and boosts flexibility. However, it's not without challenges. There can be potential communication issues arising from cultural differences. Therefore, placing a premium on strong communication skills when hiring could be beneficial. To manage remote teams effectively, a robust system and proper processes need to be in place to ensure productivity, regardless of where the team members are based.
How to hire a remote developer from Latin America?
Companies can hire remote developers from Latin America through various means, including job boards, professional networks, or talent acquisition firms like TECLA. When hiring via TECLA, you can rest assured that our flexible hiring models will adapt to your needs while you save substantial costs and accelerate your time-to-hire by 5x compared to traditional means.
Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino is an expert in global recruitment having spent the last 10 years leading TECLA and helping world-class tech companies in the U.S. hire top talent in Latin America.
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